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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why Throwback Jerseys Are King! part 2

As I continue my countdown on the reviews of the throwback AFL uniforms, the final four that I have to unfortunately have to put in order are the Buffalo Bills, the Houston Oilers, the New England Patriots and the San Diego Chargers. This was extremely hard to judge but I came up with a reasonable order beginning with.....

4) Houston Oilers (Titans): Boy this is a beautiful jersey the helmet is among the best features of the uniform. The jersey itself is very nostalgic and nice on the eyes, the socks are a little confusing but nothing really outgoing. They are much much better off wearing these than the god awful uniforms they have now.

3) Buffalo Bills: boy these just scream throwback, these bad boy's should be worn full time. The helmet is the best out of all eight of the lot. The jersey is very sharp, the socks compliment the pants very well, it's a tough 3 but the other two just stand alone.

2) San Diego Chargers: Boy what more to say about this jersey, the best jersey out of the eight, very intricate bolts on each leg, and a throwback style helmet with the number on it. But this jersey had to bow to the true throwback of all throwbacks.

1) New England Patriots: Now I'm no fan of Brady or the Patriots but these uniforms are what the AFL was really about! true throwback with simple designs, mega sharp colors, and a streamlined sock and jersey design. This jersey trumps all as the king of the AFL throwbacks.

So that is the review of the eight throwback uniforms of the AFL celebrating their 50th anniversary. I would be glad to hear comments, or arguments if you think you have a better order, I would be glad to listen and respond.




  1. what about the cowboys throwbacks?? they are sweet!!! go romo!

  2. they're not part of the list cause this is AFL 50th Anniversary uniforms only.

    They have nice throwbacks but they were in the NFL then not the AFL
